Negroes: Always Abusing White Technology
Seen: a negro politician in Charlottesville, Virginia using a TV camera, lights and a microphone to complain about White racism (i.e., colonialism): Negro, that’s White technology that you’re abusing!...
View ArticleA Conversation That Would Never Happen, or, How Dare the Whites Civilize Us!
The Jews and the leftists say every day on social media that White people are evil, due to colonialism. The Whites oppressed native Brown and Black people, they say, by conquering and subjugating them,...
View ArticleCosmos-Saviorhood: It’s a White Thing, You Wouldn’t Understand It
“This universe barely tolerates life, and astronomical observations today suggest that intelligent life is very, very rare. If the universe is ever to become a place generally characterized by life, by...
View ArticleThoughts on the Dangers of Technology Vis-a-Vis Race
(Old saying: “The problem with progress is that they didn’t know when to stop”). I made a post, in January 2020, about “Black and Brown people abusing White technology” (e.g., using cellphones to make...
View ArticleMore On Reparations for Black People
My father did not oppress any Blacks. Nor did my grandfather. Nor did my great-grandfather. None of my relatives owned slaves (because they were middle-class only, and came from the upper Midwest)....
View ArticleIndians Make Lousy Pedestrians
Indians can’t handle the firewater. Why not? Uhhhh…because of White racism! Yeah! Those evil White people force the Indians to drink liquor! Yeah! By the way, when are we Whites going to pay the...
View ArticleSpace Commander Says: DOD Video Calls White People Evil
(Above: Claude Levi-Strauss’ favorite people. He loved them. He probably had sexual fantasies about them). I’ll keep saying it: leftism is an attack on White Western culture. Period. Nothing else....
View ArticleWorthless Brown Potatoes, Shut Up
Seen on the web: “It’s quite interesting to witness the development of a new right that only applies to non-whites and that is the right to not be offended. Basically, it’s alright to offend white...
View ArticleEast vs. West, or Buddha in America
(Above: a Buddha statue. Most common is the seated Buddha; much rarer is the standing Buddha). Seen on a video clip: a giant Buddha statue. At first I thought it was in Thailand. But it was in...
View ArticleGlobalization: Another Take On It
Globalization (or globalism) is defined here as: huge amounts of both humans and goods moving across international borders (and also, a general “one world/one people/no borders” attitude prevailing in...
View ArticleFollowing a Brown Person for a Day, or, Who Needs White Technology? (They Do)
Note: (WT) = White Technology Brown Bob works for a construction company. He lives in a house that was built with/by (WT), e.g., concrete, architectural blueprints, electric saws, electric drills,...
View ArticleVideo: a Cooper
A traditional cooper (a wood worker). “A man should have a talent in his hands,” someone said. (Disclaimer: I have no connection to this video channel). [Video, 52 minutes].
View ArticleRe-Post of the 2001 Peter Watson Article
I am actually surprised that the article is still online. I thought it would have vanished years ago. Watson is the author of 13 books, including “The Caravaggio Conspiracy” (1984). Western man stands...
View ArticleWhite People: the Real Progressives
Liberals are, for some strange reason, called “progressives” (which of course isn’t true. They don’t make any progress at all. Destroying entire states, e.g., California, isn’t “progress”! They are...
View ArticleWhite Technology: the Antikythera Mechanism
White people are so smart that they were inventing mechanical computers 2,000 years ago. Ponder that! What were Blacks doing 2,000 years ago? Throwing spears and grunting (one grunt for “yes” and two...
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